Frontiers of Quantum Information Science

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Thursday 31st of October 2019

Ceremonial Hall, University of Vienna, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Vienna


Quantum Computers by AQT and University of Innsbruck leverage "Cirq" for Quantum Algorithm Development.


Alpine Quantum Technologies GmbH (AQT), a spin-off of the University of Innsbruck, has received 10 Mio. Euro of funding from the FFG and the...


PI Wolfgang Lechner and his team at the University of Innsbruck published a paper on solving the "Queen problem" in chess!


SAVE THE DATE: on October 31st, the first BeyondC-Conference will take place at the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Vienna!


Aus den fünf nominierten Einreichungen in der Kategorie „Universitäre Forschung“ holte Dr. Wolfgang Lechner mit dem Hauptpreis von 150.000 Euro die...