P01 - Coordination and Administration


The administration project will provide the organizational infrastructure and support for both the scientific and non-scientific agenda of the SFB “Quantum Information Systems Beyond Classical Capabilities”. The coordination project will organize the SFB workshops and conferences, support the scientific meetings, and promote the exchange of scientists on a national as well as on an international level. In particular, the coordination project will push to provide a significant added value beyond the direct members of the SFB – for instance by tight networking with the associated members, targeted public outreach activities such as school and museum days, and hosting of workshops and conferences. These efforts are complemented by efforts addressing gender issues in physics. Finally, the coordination project will support and finance visits by external scientists as well as the attendance of associate members to SFB meetings. The coordination project identifies these activities to be of essential importance for the scientific advancement of the SFB.

Tracy Northup & Philip Walther on
SFB BeyondC


Tracy Northup

BeyondC Office

Andrea Stepper

Verena Paulovics