SFB BeyondC Workshop 2023: Kickoff Meeting 2.0


The upcoming SFB Meeting will take place on 27 & 28 March 2023 at the Campus of University of Vienna.

Location: Aula and Alte Kapelle at Campus of University of Vienna

Date: 27 & 28 March 2023

The aim of this SFB biannual meeting is to set the strategy for the next four years of the SFB and introduce the new upcoming research projects.

We invite all our SFB members, associates and broader network of researchers to present and discuss the latest research achievements and findings in quantum information science.

We will have a poster session, for which we invite contributions for posters on outstanding recent research in quantum information science. Best Poster Award of 200 euros will be granted by the SFB consortium.

In addition to the scientific program, young researchers are welcome to participate in the Young Scientists Soft Skills Workshop (topic TBA), that will takes place on March 28.